Monthly support is live on Thoughty’s Ko-Fi!
There are some adjustments to the support tiers for the new format, hope you like the change! All backers also will have their names put on the Thoughty site for recognition so long as they are active backers.
$4/one coffee = recognition in a monthly post (please include your name for credit!)
$8/two coffees = recognition in a monthly post WITH a link to your site added to Thoughty (please include your name and site for credit!)
$12/three coffees = recognition in a monthly post WITH a link to your site added to Thoughty AND every other month you can suggest games or article topics for Thoughty’s queue (please include your name, site, and first game or topic choice for credit)
…more gets all of the above & my thanks!
Note: I reserve the right to refuse any specific game/topic or to deny linking to offensive content, but you will always have the opportunity to offer an alternative.
Please join me at the new support site on! I will keep both the Patreon and the ko-fi active until the end of March, then, I will deactivate the Patreon.
Thank you for your support, always!