Black Lives Matter

Here at Thoughty, I believe that Black Lives Matter. I believe Black History Matters. Most of all, I believe that Black Futures Matter.

I support Black trans and nonbinary people.

I support Black queer and LGBTQIA+ people.

I support Black disabled and mentally ill people.

I support Black people in poverty and in wealth.

I support Black people who are incarcerated.

I support Black veterans and soldiers.

I support Black homeless and in need.

I support Black sex workers.

I support Black game designers and artists. I also encourage any Black game designers or artists to reach out to me for an interview over the next few months. I want to feature your work and prioritize you!

This Loving Day during Pride Month (which is feeling a little more like Wrath month!), I’m donating on behalf of Thoughty to a local trans-led and primarily black & people of color led organization in Pittsburgh called SisTers PGH who experienced a fire over the past year and struggled a lot in recovery.

They do a lot of work for Black trans individuals in the city, and while my donation is not as large as I’d like, I’m hoping it will do some good. There are SO many charities out there to donate to, especially during Pride – the Homeless Black Trans Women Fund in Atlanta, the Third Wave Fund, the Black Trans Travel Fund – check locally, check nationally, check globally. Black people suffer the cruelty of white supremacy at every level, and if you have money, help. On-the-ground protesting is not possible for me, but I can try to donate and raise awareness.

Please join me in that effort! Support reducing police presence and power! Give power to people!