12 RPGs for the 12th Month – Day 2

These are actually questions not days but I like day so whatever.

(Image includes a list of 12 questions for 12 RPGs for the 12th month.)

Following my previous post about the meme where I answered question 1, here’s my response to question 2.

“Which genre tropes that come up in an RPG of your choice do you love, and never get tired of? Why do you love them?”

One of my favorite RPGs is Shadowrun (3rd Edition), and a few of the tropes that happen in SR3 that I love are the dramatic hyper-action scenes, the shifting of perspectives between a focused decker or rigger and the combat- and magic-aligned characters, and the resistance.

The first is just fun as hell. I have played a few characters who were into hyper-action, hyper-violent style play and they were fun as hell. One was an elf archer who had some body mods to inject combat drugs into his system (He was modeled on Iggy Pop for looks, and named after a coworker, Sorin). He survived a force 6 fireball without even using all of his drugs (though just barely), jumped between two skyscrapers to grab on with his gecko grip and continue fighting, blew up an entire compound (and the plot) with the grenade gun the GM unwisely allowed him to obtain, and avoided death somehow – in part because I forgot to calculate in his armor, and then we realized he had survived. 🙂 I also had a phys adept satyr who had a gaes of dancing to use her adept powers, and she dual wielded Dikote vibro swords. She jumped through a window before every fight. I’m serious. She also had a tendency to decapitate people… a lot.

The second sometimes requires a specific set of people, but I love when the GM and table can do shifted perspectives between a decker or rigger who’s plugged into the matrix doing combat or hacking or whatever, then swap out into the hallway or the courtyard where there’s like a fucking armored troll shooting a machine gun at guards and a dwarf shooting fireballs at everyone else and everyone’s freaking out about timing because they gotta get out of here to make the drop.

And the last is the general theme of resistance. Not all SR3 games I’ve seen go towards actually fighting the good fight, but I love when they do. My satyr character up there, she actually ended up setting up an underground railroad-like situation to protect ghouls who were being rounded up and killed by local megacorp police. We helped recover a church that had been attacked and protect the parishioners. We took down a bunch of corrupt police, corp, and government people in various games, too – always fighting to protect the ones who needed it. That’s something that matters to me.

Thanks for reading!

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12 RPGs for the 12th Month – Day 1

(Image includes a list of  questions for 12 RPGs for the 12th Month)

These questions set up by Paul Mitchener (sourced from a private post) are pretty cool and I’m hoping I can keep up with them over the next few weeks.

The first question is:

“You’re running an RPG to introduce new players to the RPG hobby this month. Which game and genre do you choose, and why?”

To be honest, I’d poll the players for their preference in genre and level of complexity. If you have someone who prefers Shadowrun level of complexity in rules to Archipelago, they might be super bored, and the opposite might be super frustrated. My go to intro games, though, were I to GM:

Personal favorite:
Turn because the rules aren’t super complicated, it’s mostly real life stuff, and it’s also shown to be very fun. http://www.briecs.com/2017/06/turn-rpg-beta-playtest.html

The Quiet Year because it is easily understood and manages to produce a rich experience every time. https://buriedwithoutceremony.com/the-quiet-year

Shadowrun: Anarchy would be my top option here, but with my personal house rules. I’d have to brush up on the rules but it’s got some great shadowruns included, the rules aren’t wildly confusing, and it’s super thematic with a fun setting. http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/194759/Shadowrun-Anarchy

(My reviews: http://www.briecs.com/2016/08/shadowrun-anarchy-gen-con-prototype-review.html & http://www.briecs.com/2016/10/shadowrun-anarchy-review.html

Cosmic Horror:
Lovecraftesque has a really interesting storytelling/roleplaying structure with the way you tell one character’s story, and it can be super spooky. http://blackarmada.com/lovecraftesque/

(My interview: http://www.briecs.com/2015/09/five-or-so-questions-with-annison-and-fox-lovecraftesque.html)

Bluebeard’s Bride is one of the scariest, most fascinating games I’ve ever played. Feminine horror is not only interesting but a learning experience for everyone at the table. This would be the “heavy” option for a safe game group. http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/224782/Bluebeards-Bride

(My interview: http://www.briecs.com/2016/11/five-or-so-questions-with-marissa-kelly-on-bluebeards-bride.html)

Dread would be the option for people I’m less familiar with, or for a lighter game. It always has a good record of fun and startling for me, and there’s such suspense! http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/83854/Dread

Urban Fantasy:
Urban Shadows is fun, and it has a lot of interesting bits and pieces in it. It’s one of my favorite games to play with new people because while you can go deep and dark with it, you can also stay in a safe place and still have a great time. http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/153464/Urban-Shadows

My interview: http://www.briecs.com/2014/06/five-or-so-questions-with-andrew.html

Companion’s Tale is a really lovely game telling experiences of the companions of a hero. I honestly don’t think I’ve played through a game but I know it’s mechanics are easily understood enough that it would be a gorgeous way to learn a new game together! https://companions-tale.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders (preorders)

My interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk15TWXQOTc

Archipelago in any of its forms would be an awesome way to just let people have a low-mechanics, high-roleplay experience and go all out with whatever setting we want. Definitely a good option. http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/147623/Archipelago

So that’s my options! 🙂 Feel free to join in responding on your blog or social media or respond in the comments!

I don’t know if I’ll charge for these 12rpg2017 posts on patreon.com/briecs. Still feel free to tell your friends!

To leave some cash in the tip jar, go to http://paypal.me/thoughty.

If you’d like to be interviewed for Thoughty, or have a project featured, email contactbriecs@gmail.com.